Next remote session: on request

Our key ingredients
to success


On-site or 100% remote


Prices adapted to the companies' and employees’ needs


A peer-to-peer learning community


Operational activities, experience sharing and concrete cases

Learning objectives

At the end of the program, you will be able to:


This program is for:

Our offer

Inter-company program

Basis: 890€ pre-tax value/person
Option to be financed by OPCO
Intra-company (minimum of 5 participants) - on quotation

Included in the offer:

(On-site or 100% remote learning)

Part 1

Use cases and data collection

  • Digital Learning tools and data: an overview of existing data
  • Identify usable data
  • Define relevant use cases

Part 2

Processing and analysis

  • Clean up your dataset
  • Identify the biases and limitations of available data
  • Prepare your data file for integration into a data visualization tool
  • Select appropriate formats to analyze and present the results (pie charts, clouds, etc.)

Part 3

Presenting and communicating about the analyzed data

  • Define the contexts where you will present the data (management, learning designers, trainers, learning facilitators, etc.)
  • Use visuals and graphics in your presentations

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