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Learning Analytics: how to use data to improve your learning programs
- Digital learning tools and platforms produce a lot of data on learners, content, etc. But it's not always easy to make the most of it.
- And yet, using this data can help improve content, better understand learners' needs and have a greater impact.
- This learning program will give you the basics you need to collect, process, analyze and deliver this data... for a more impactful digital learning strategy!
Next remote session: on request
Our key ingredients
to success
On-site or 100% remote
Prices adapted to the companies' and employees’ needs
A peer-to-peer learning community
Operational activities, experience sharing and concrete cases
Learning objectives
At the end of the program, you will be able to:
- Define your needs and relevant use cases for data usage
- Clean up a data set for processing
- Get to grips with a simple computer graphics or data visualization tool
This program is for:
- L&D professionals
- HR professionals
- Digital Learningi Managers
Our offer
Inter-company program
Basis: 890€ pre-tax value/person
Option to be financed by OPCO
Intra-company (minimum of 5 participants) - on quotation
Option to be financed by OPCO
Intra-company (minimum of 5 participants) - on quotation
Included in the offer:
- Personalized feedback from the Learn Assembly learning team on the work done during the program
- 1 day face-to-face or two 3-hour virtual classes, led by experts in the use of analytics
- Certificate of success delivered by Learn Assembly
(On-site or 100% remote learning)
Part 1
Use cases and data collection
- Learning objectives
- Digital Learning tools and data: an overview of existing data
- Identify usable data
- Define relevant use cases
Part 2
Processing and analysis
- Learning objectives
- Clean up your dataset
- Identify the biases and limitations of available data
- Prepare your data file for integration into a data visualization tool
- Select appropriate formats to analyze and present the results (pie charts, clouds, etc.)
Part 3
Presenting and communicating about the analyzed data
- Learning objectives
- Define the contexts where you will present the data (management, learning designers, trainers, learning facilitators, etc.)
- Use visuals and graphics in your presentations